Meet our WP9 Leader!

Name: Flávio Martins
Institution: University of Algarve, Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA)
My role in Nautilos: In NAUTILOS I am leading WP9 “Data Modelling and Data Sharing”. In this Work Package we are developing mathematical model simulation experiments. Three different regions are being used to test these concepts: The Mediterranean Sea; The SW Iberian Coast, and the Hardanger Fjord System in Norway. These conceptual experiments will help to evaluate how the new sensors being developed in NAUTILOS will improve the capacity of predicting the Ocean Behavior. This will help different sectors of the society to have accurate predictions about the ocean, in a way similar to what is currently done every day with meteorologic forecasts. It helps activities like Fisheries, Tourism, Aquaculture, Navigation, Security and Safety, among others.

Who am I: My education was developed in the Mechanical Engineering area. Strange as it may seem, mechanical engineering also includes the Fluid Dynamics specialty, which applies directly to ocean flows. During my PhD I developed mathematical models to simulate ocean flows, creating the core modules of what is now known as the MOHID modelling system. This is one of the models being used in NAUTILOS. From that point on my interests have expanded to the different processes capable of being simulated with ocean models: currents, marine pollution, sediment transport, biogeochemical processes or even the fate of living organisms. The integration of this techniques with methods to observe the ocean is a very powerful and fascinating area, helping to answer many questions regarding the ocean and the environment. Though a mathematical modeler I’m not a “geek”, from the personal point of view I enjoy sports, road biking, hang out with friends and I’m very eclectic in the music that accompanies me 24/7.