NAUTILOS co-organised with Lega Navale, Outdoor Portofino, Surfrider Foundation and University of Bologna an EU4Ocean workshop durind the European Maritime Day.


This workshop focused on knowledge co-production by sharing experiences, major outcomes, and good practices of different citizen science projects. This workshop aimed to achieve the following objectives: Uptake, explore and champion best practices of Citizen Science (CS) projects with a forward-looking perspective;

  • Involving the audience and participants from the EU4Ocean Coalition, identify opportunities for co-creation and joint collaboration;
  • Explore the gaps and needs between Science, Policy and Citizens;
  • and Scale-up the path for Citizen Science projects.

The goals of the workshop, were obtained through an active involvement of panellists, audience and other invited participants, focusing and building up on their experiences in CS activities and projects.


  • Silvia Merlino, Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy -ISMAR-CNR (Nautilos)
  • Luca Tixi, Outdoor Portofino, Italy
  • Haizea Jimenez, Surfrider Foundation Europe
  • Andrea Fazioli, Lega Navale Italiana
  • Mariana Machado Toffolo, University of Bologna, MarineScienceGroup



  • Antonio Novellino (ETT and NAUTILOS)

See the full session: